Social media management and marketing was an unexpected passion that I have come to love. My creativity and communication skills have helped me figure out what I wanted to be. Helping small businesses thrive by managing and creating appealing social media platforms, connecting with more clientele, and project management is what I do.



raid. rewash. repeat.


Setting your brand message that resonates with your target audience on social media is another goal we strive to achieve. This can set you apart from your competition, and make them want to copy what your business is doing. The real goal is identifying the problem you can solve for your customers. We can uncover what problem you are going to solve and how to get there.


Social media strategies are vital in todays world of commerce; and we’re not talking about posting a cute video once a week on Facebook, with the hope that you’ll gain followers and business. Figuring out who your target audience is and where to find more of them plays a huge role in building any business. But where are they? What social media platform are they utilizing most? Is it Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram? That’s what we’re here to help with.


If your company is wanting more brand exposure from social media, we can identify impressions and reposts to be part of the metrics. With their current numbers and growth rate in mind, we will be able to write reasonable, numeric goals for the social media management plan.

And then we continue the process: RAID, REWASH, REPEAT.

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